Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Grow Some Stones

President Obama appears to be in the running for most non confrontational person in the history of the World. The other nominees for this prestigious award are currently; Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., this guy, Bobby Boucher, Prop Joe, and Kim Jong II… I get it, compromise leads to unity, and unity is a symbol of change, that's great. But the problem is we already have Great Compromiser (yes, that guy) in US history, you gotta find something else to be great at. The great orator would be a perfect title, however, a little more substance would be helpful so one day you could become the Great Orator/Legislator/Gangsta Rapper. (I’ll keep my fingers crossed on that last one)

Let me reiterate, I voted for him, I support him, I think he could take the next 3 years off and by process of elimination be a better president than George W. Bush, however, my issue lies in his failure to take a stand on most controversial issues. I know it is early on in his presidency and people can argue that he needs to gain trust before doing anything too radical, I think that’s bullshit!!!! Early on in a presidential term, from a political science perspective, is one of the best times to do radical things due to the relatively short memory span of the average American voter. For instance, it took George Bush only 8 months to plot and orchestrate a plan to fly planes into the World Trade Center’s… ok maybe not, but it only took him less than a year to initiate 1.35 trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich, and Obama can't even ban the sale of assault rifles after 3 police officers are killed by one crazy guy with an AK in Pittsburgh.

You may be saying… Marsellus Wallace looks like a bitch, he’s criticizing our great leader. But let me ask you readers this… where does he stand on gay marriage, or abortion? What’s his non rhetorical plan for Guantanamo Bay, why hasn’t he reinstated the assault weapon ban, is he a Muslim, is he a communist, why hasn’t he found an off switch for Mr. Foot in Mouth himself, and why hasn’t he illegally kidnapped and tortured Dick Cheney already??? Unfortunatly I can only answer a few of these questions, for a good majority of them I'm still awaiting answers.

However, more than anything there is one thing that I cannot commend Obama enough for doing (whether intentional or unintentional). His election provided instant credibility to the United States and the Western World once again. Lebanon elected a pro-west leader, Iran did but didn’t, and for the first time in a decade we actually seem to be welcome, or at least respected by the international community. I mean was it any secret that EVERY OTHER country hated us during the Bush years. Imagine have to meet with someone as poor-spoken as Bush every time you had to deal with any diplomatic affair dealing with the United States, It would be easier to hold a intelligent conversation with Charlie Manuel. I can imagine Tony Blair quoting Bun B every time they met in DC and can see it unfolding as follows.

Bush: "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

Blair: "Go read a book you illiterate son of a bitch, and step up your vocab."

At least that’s how I envision it unfolding in my dreams.

With that said, let me reiterate… I think Obama has the potential to be one of our Greatest Presidents (that 4th or 5th spot is his for the taking), but the first step for Obama is getting over his fear of confrontation. Take a stance. Take a stance so your voting base doesn’t feel as though you’re afraid to tackle controversial issues, come to think of it, that’s your job. I appreciate your efforts, but I mean come on man, compromise will not get you anywhere with the current republican party… THEY JUST DON’T LIKE YOU. Come to think of it they should also realize they need to give it a rest, seeing as though in the past 10 years, they went from the majority party to the overwhelming minority, maybe they need to realize that WE JUST DON’T LIKE THEM.


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